Notre mission
Le Earth Revival Project vise à garantir que tous les êtres vivants sur la terre soient respectés et que la planète elle-même soit ravivée.
Our Films
Notre vocation est de mettre en images et de faire connaître le chemin vers la renaissance de la Terre.
C’est grâce aux dons de la communauté que nous pouvons réaliser des films pour partager cette vision.
- Earth Revival Project
Qu'est-ce que le projet Earth Revival ? Quelle est la vision du Earth Revival Project ? Explorer le cœur de tout cela : Esprit et philosophie.
- Environment
Up to now, the industries of the world have done a large amount of damage to not just their regions, but the entire planet. The industries of the future will need to carry out activities that are resuscitative in nature. Microorganisms are the key to promoting revival while continuing development without damaging the global environment. We need to recognize that, together with microorganisms, we can actively revive the earth by planting trees and other plants that rejuvenate the environment, such as hemp and holy basil.
- Food
[Full-cycle farming] -Becoming self-
sufficient with food, local production for local consumption -Farming methods that create healthy crops and that are healthy for the planetare required.These will restoreboth our own health and the health of the earth. We can accomplish this with agricultural methods based on natural rhythms such as not using fertilizers or pesticides, nottilling, and self-seeding.More
- Energy・Technology
[Energy art] -Becoming self-sufficient enough with energy that does not damage the earth -
We should be practically applying the various energy technologies that were born in Japan and that are in accordance with the Japanese climate and local conditions so that wedo not place a burden on the earth. Energy should be locally produced for local consumption, incorporated in daily life as an "artistic lifestyle".More
- Economy
[Sharing economy] -From an economy of exploitation to one of sharing -
In the Edo period, Japanese people lived with the spirit of "mutual sympathy", "equal status", and "gratitude for assistance". It was natural to let people stay if they didn't have lodging and to share with neighbors if you had an extra bountiful harvest. As the phrase "those who are kind benefit themselves" suggests, if you do good things that goodness will return to you. Our ancestors practiced this in daily life. We need to explore and practice an economy where people are enriched by continuing to give. We must revive Japan's culture and spirit of sharing, shifting from a principlethat puts the economy first to one that fosters warm relationships between people.More
- Medical
We are not made up just of our body, but our mind and soul as well. In order to truly become healthy, we must implement holistic medicine that looks comprehensively at the body, mind, and soul.
- Education
Rather than prioritizing only knowledge and achievements, we should cultivate sensibilities, emphasize the education of the mind and soul, learn the wisdom of the great ones who came before us, and understand that we are living as a part of a global ecosystem. In order to continue living on this planet, basic education is important for us as human beings.
- Tax・Social Security
In ancient times, Japan had a system called "Yui". It was a system where whenever there was something that someone couldn't do alone, there were always others there to help them. This spirit of mutual assistance and the resurgence of gratitude for that assistance are necessary for society as we move forward.
- Defense・Diplomacy
Rather than thinking about defense and diplomacy based on the premise of being invaded by other countries, like the Antarctic Treaty signed in 1959, we should think of the earth as a global resource to be shared by all countries. We must awaken diplomacy that actively spreads love and gratitude in order to achieve harmony and reconciliation between hostile nations.
- 2025.01.18
- 秘密結社NaokimanShow - 新世界より -オンラインサロンに白鳥監督出演!
- 2025.01.17
- 1/19(日)20時~YouTube配信~すべてはきっとうまくいく~
- 2025.01.16
- 東京のオフィスから1/18の講演について語る!
- 2025.01.10
- 2024/12/29 第52回 オンラインサロン<恩送りコミュニティ>・ご報告
- 2025.01.05
- 白鳥哲監督の著作ご案内♪
Notre souhait
Le mot du président
- Vers une planète Terre remplie d’amour où toute vie est respectée
- Crise climatique mondiale imminente…
Extinction des espèces, disparition des récifs coralliens, déforestation, pollution chimique des rivières, des sols et des mers…Tant que nos modèles de production seront au service de la soif de profit des hommes, les perspectives d’avenir resteront sombres. Il est urgent de changer notre rapport conscient au monde, jusqu’à présent dominé par l’égoïsme et les nationalismes en tous genres. Nous devons dépasser cette logique individualiste pour établir un nouveau sens des valeurs, en prenant conscience que tout est connecté, et que nous existons tous les uns pour les autres.