
- 2021.01.27 现在可在Vimeo上使用!
- 2023.03.23 Movie "Zero Waste Plus " Screening @ UK
- 2021.12.27 恩送り公開まで【あと5日】”魂の教育”
How can we live to foster the mind? The soul?
How can we nurture humans?
The education to tap infinite potential of human beings
which endlessly cultivates the mind and soul has begun from Shimane, Japan.
The age of Soul Civilization has come.
The film, Soul Education, has all it needs to fulfil those who are lost in the midst of the “modern” society.
This is the first documentary that futures the late Makoto Shichida, the world renown leading pedagogist in right brain education and child education.
The film explores the potential of the right brain through lifelong research of Mr. Makoto Shichida, his practice, practitioners and most of all the voices of children who received his right brain education. You will see the profound life wisdom through the true potential of turning images into reality and through Shichida’s way of life and his philosophy of education.
This film will be a bible of humanity in the 21st century.
The age of Soul Civilization has come.
about Makoto Shichida
Makoto Shichida (1929-2009) born in Shimane, Japan, started his research on child education in 1958.
From his experience of facing adversity of illness, he had grown strong interest in keeping good health, and established Shichida Right Brain Educational Method based on healthy physical and mental nurturing of children.
His achievement is highly valued all over the world.
Shichida Method is put into practice in counties such as Japan, the United States, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia.
Shichida Right Brain Educational Method was recognized and registered as the most honorable theory and world intellectual treasury at the World Intellectual Treasury Association of the International Academy of Education University.
In 1997, Mr. Shichida was awarded Social Culture Achievement Award, the highest honorable Merit Prize by the World Science Council and a distinguished service for World Peace Grand Knight Title, and the World Peace Prize in 1998.
He had written more than 160 books including “The Shichida Method Training of Developing Right Brain” (Sogo Horei Publishing Company).

Cast & Staff
Makoto Shichida
Makoto Shichida
- 製作オフィス・しちだ 七田眞、七田厚
- プロデューサー白鳥哲
- 撮影成田健
- 録音荻久保則男
- 録音助手北口靖久
- 助監督伊熊弘輝、大橋達也
- 制作久留裕子、大澤美奈子
- 制作進行成田哲
- 衣装高藤友喜
- 車両岩久資、渉勝志
- 音楽南雲和晴
- シンギングリン演奏和真音
- ナレーション白鳥哲
- 声の出演浅野まゆみ 渡辺明乃
Director message
Comming soon
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