LECTURAS -El camino que Edgar Cayce nos mostró-

LECTURAS -El camino que Edgar Cayce nos mostró-


Un documental que muestra el camino a otro modo de vida, en un mundo en el que avanza la degradación de la condición humana, ejemplificada por el terrorismo, el crimen, los conflictos y la guerra.

Edgar Cayce


Edgar Cayce, el «padre de la medicina holística», era capaz de «leer» (transmitir oralmente) con gran precisión, bajo hipnosis, la causa de las enfermedades y la manera de curarlas, penetrando mentalmente el cuerpo del paciente, sin importar dónde se encontrara.
Los conocimientos que exponía durante sus «lecturas» no se limitaban a la medicina; podía responder incluso a preguntas sobre el universo o cualquier otro tema.
¿Por qué otorgó Dios este prodigioso poder a Cayce?
Partiendo de una reflexión sobre los males que aquejan a las personas en la actualidad, el filme incursiona en la vida de Cayce y el misterio de las «lecturas» que nos dejó.

“The Readings” will explore the trajectory of our future by examining the evidences provided by doctors employing Cayce therapy.

Cast & Staff


光田 秀 NPO法人 日本エドガー・ケイシーセンター会長

Shigeru Mitsuda
President of the Edgar Cayce Center in Japan

Mitsuda awakened to spirituality after reading Many Mansions at the age of around 20. After completing his Master’s degree, he worked with a governmental research institute for four years. He then devoted himself to the research, translation, and writing in the field of spiritual philosophy. His books and translations include Edgar Cayce ryoho no subete(A to Z of Edgar Cayce therapy), Nemureru yogensha Edgar Cayce(Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet), and Many Mansions(Revised translation).

三浦 直樹 みうらクリニック院長

Naoki Miura
Director of Miura Clinic

Miura came to realize the limitation and contradiction of western medicine when his relative developed cancer. He studied manipulative therapy, diet therapy, natural therapy, and psychological therapy. By combining them with western medicine as needed, he provides comprehensive medicine that enhances natural healing ability. He started researching and practicing Cayce therapy 20 years ago. His motto is «Never give up because they say it’s intractable.»

吉元 由美 作詞家 作家

Yumi Yoshimoto
Songwriter, writer

Yoshimoto debuted as a songwriter in 1984 after working for an ad agency. Also an essayist, her works include Yomudakede takusan kiseki ga okoru hon(Read and miracles would happen). She now leads a project called «The Life Artist Academy with Yumi Yoshimoto» with the theme «Live to rejoice your soul.» She holds classes and membership seminars to brush up one’s linguistic skills and expressions.

池川 明 医学博士 池川クリニック院長

Akira Ikegawa, M.D.
Director of Ikegawa Clinic

Ikegami headed the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Ageo Central General Hospital before he opened his own clinic in 1989 in Yokohama City. By September 2016, he had attended about 3,000 births. His presentation on prenatal memory at a national meeting of doctors in September 2001 was picked up by a newspaper and gained attention. He is now working to make prenatal memory widely known to the world.

萩原 優 医学博士、イーハトヴクリニック院長

Masaru Hagiwara, M.D.
Director of Ihatovo Clinic

Hagiwara has specialized in digestive surgery, endoscopic diagnosis and treatment, and palliative care for more than 30 years at academic medical centers such as Tokyo Women’s Medical University Hospital and St. Marianna University School of Medicine. He is now an affiliate professor at St. Marianna.
As the director of Ihatovo Clinic, he performs comprehensive medicine putting weight especially on the mental side of treatment. He practices and promotes hypnotherapy.
His books include Zenseryouhou no kiseki: Gekai ga kaimamita tamashi no sonzai(The miracle of past-life therapy: the existence of souls from a surgeon’s experience).

降矢 英成 内科・心療内科・精神科医、赤坂溜池クリニック院長

Eisei Furuya
Physician, Psychotherapist, Psychiatrist, Director of Akasaka-tameike Clinic

Furuya has experiences with psychosomatic medicine at LCC Medical Institute on Stress and Obitsu Sankei Hospital. He is the director of Akasaka-tameike Clinic, which he opened to perform holistic medicine. He is also engaged in a forest training program that enhances one’s natural healing power. He is the chairman of Japan Holistic Medical Society.
His books include Karada to kokoro no shizenryoho(Naturopathy of Body and Soul), and Shinrinryoho handbook(Handbook of Forest Therapy).

石川 眞樹夫 内科・小児科医、クリニック光のいずみ院長

Makio Ishikawa
Physician, Pediatrician, Director of Clinic Hikari-no-Izumi

Ishikawa studied at Bach International Education Programme in the U.K. He has put forward a theory called «informed self-choice» that enables one’s self-healing power. He continues his research into application of bach flower remedies. He believes that mind and food are the foundation of health and illnesses, and restoring the Yin-Yang balance and eliminating all contradictions and alien matters from one’s body and soul are the crux in recuperation. He also believes that every condition can be improved by adjusting the four major elements, which are food, exercise, sleep, and excretion.

グラディス・マクギャレイ ホリスティック医学創立者 医学博士

Gladys Taylor McGarey, M.D.
Mother of Holistic Medicine

McGarey is a pioneer of Cayce therapy. She is a founding member of The American Holistic Medical Association and The Academy of Parapsychology and Medicine. She is known as «the Mother of Holistic Medicine.» McGarey also has deep knowledge and experience in Eastern medicine, training other physicians how to practice acupuncture after being the first doctor to utilize it in the United States.

シドニー・カークパトリック A.R.E. ベンチャー・インワード編集長

Sidney D. Kirkpatrick
Chief editor of A.R.E. Venture Inward

Sidney D. Kirkpatrick is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and bestselling author. His book Edgar Cayce: An American Prophet is considered the definitive biography of Edgar Cayce. No other author was given such complete access to Edgar Cayce’s correspondence, traveled as widely to research the subject, or uncovered such a wealth of new material on the man regarded as «the father» of the New Age movement. His critically acclaimed non-fiction books include The Revenge of Thomas Eakins and Hitler’s Holy Relics. HBO, the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, and the A & E Television Networks have all featured his work. Biographical profiles of Kirkpatrick have appeared in The New York Times, Time Magazine, The New Yorker, and Playboy. He is a graduate of Hampshire College and New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. He is a regular presenter at A.R.E. Conferences online, in Virginia Beach, and across the U.S. and Canada. He and his wife Nancy are the editors for A.R.E.’s Member magazine Venture Inward. Their most recent book is True Tales from the Cayce Archives: Lives Touched and Lessons Learned from the Sleeping Prophet.

ケヴィン・トデッシー エドガー・ケイシー財団(A.R.E.)CEO

Kevin J. Todeschi
Executive Director and CEO of Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. and Atlantic University

Kevin J. Todeschi is executive director and CEO of Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. and Atlantic University. As both student and teacher of the Cayce material for 35 years, he has lectured on five continents in front of thousands of individuals. A prolific writer, he is the author of more than 20 books, including Edgar Cayce on Auras & Colors: Learn to Understand Color and See Auras, The Rest of the Noah Story, and Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records. Known for his ability to explain complex subjects in a straightforward and easy-to-understand manner, Kevin is popular for his insight and his sense of humor. One focus of his work has been to assist individuals in seeing how they are very much responsible for bringing about the New Age of enlightenment. His latest book, co-authored with Henry Reed, PhD, uses simple concepts and language to explain the sometimes complex wording of the Edgar Cayce readings, with Contemporary Cayce.

リン・スパロー・クリスティ 催眠療法士

Lynn Sparrow Christy

The author of Beyond Soul Growth: Awakening to the Call of Cosmic Evolution. She is a teacher, writer, and hypnotherapist-life coach with more than 40 years of experience with both traditional and alternative approaches to spirituality. Her earlier books, Edgar Cayce and Christian Faith and Reincarnation: Claiming Your Past, Creating Your Future, as well as her home-study courses, Meditation Made Easy and How to Discover Your Past Lives, have all explored Cayce’s contribution to leading topics in contemporary spirituality. Over the past several decades, Lynn has conducted numerous seminars in cities throughout North America and several international locations. In addition to her writing and seminar work, as a certified Master Hypnotherapist and hypnosis trainer, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner and Life Coach, Lynn maintains a private practice in Virginia Beach, where she works with clients on everything from habit change and personal healing to exploration of deep spiritual themes. In addition to her work with The Journey to Wholeness and Integrative Growth program (Journey2Wing.org), she is a regular mentor for A.R.E.’s online learning programs.


John Van Auken

John Van Auken is an internationally renowned speaker, long-time staff member and current Director at A.R.E. He is the author of many books including From Karma to Grace, 2038: The Great Pyramid Timeline Prophecy, and Edgar Cayce on the Spiritual Forces Within You and is a regular contributor to Venture Inward magazine. He is an acknowledged expert on the Cayce readings, the Bible, ancient prophecies, world religions, and meditation.


エドガー・ケイシー セイン・カミュ

as Edgar Cayce
Thane Camus

Camus is a French-American born in the State of New York. He lived in different countries during his childhood due to his parents’ work. After studying drama and art at a university in New York, he moved to Japan and started his carrier in the show business. He has taken part in Modern Kyogen, a theatrical performance chaired by Kiyotaka Nanbara, since 2009. In September 2010, he wrote a book The Ikumen, describing his child-rearing experience as a father of two sons and a daughter. He is appearing in NHK WORLD TV’s J-Trip Plan and is a narrator of a TBS program Enjoy the Seven Oceans-World Summer Resorts. He belongs to Media International.

ガートルード・ケイシー他 シンシア・チェストン
Gertrude Cayce
Cynthia Cheston
アル・レイン マイケル・カリスマ
Al Layne
Michael Charisma
グラディス・ディヴィス ハンナ・グレース
Gladys Davis
Hannah Grace
ウェスリー・ケッチャム医師 ロバート・アンダーソン
Dr. Wesley Ketchum
Robert Anderson
サージェント博士 ドン・ジョンソン
Dr. A. Seargent
Don Johnson
薬剤師ルイス・エルギン ジェイソン・スラットマン
Louis Elgin
Jason Straatmann
エドガー・ケイシーの父 スチュアート・チャールズ・ハワード
Leslie B. Cayce (Edgar’s father)
Stuart Hayward
アーサー・ラマース ジョエル・ディカーソン
Arthur Lammers
Joel Dickerson
ケイシー の少年時代 ジョエル・サンタナ
Edgar Cayce (13)
Joel Santana
精霊 ジェニー・シマ
Spirit (angel)
Jenny Shima
吉元 由美 天野 弘愛
Yumi Yoshimoto
Hiroe Amano
山崎医師 島岡 安芸和
Akito Shimaoka



Mensaje del director

La vida, un vínculo inquebrantable

Observando la actualidad del mundo, puede percibirse la distorsión causada por una escala de valores materialista llevada al extremo. Sin poder encontrar el verdadero sentido de la vida, nos ponemos por único objetivo subir el escalafón social, alcanzar la fama o la fortuna. Lograrlo significa el éxito; todo lo demás carece de valor. Esta visión del mundo ha inundado nuestra sociedad.

¿Será el ser humano como una máquina? ¿Terminará todo con la muerte? ¿Carecerá la vida de sentido, sin importar cómo vivamos? El fenómeno de la vida, originalmente, es un continuo de seres conectados orgánicamente, en circulación constante. Una escala de valores que otorgue sentido solo a lo material, incapaz de hallar el significado de la vida, está condenada a la autodestrucción.

Con el avance de la mecánica cuántica, estamos cerca de demostrar científicamente la existencia de algo que, incluso tras la desaparición de nuestro cuerpo, permanece en el campo de información que llena el espacio. Nuestro estilo de vida actual, todas nuestras acciones, se registran cuánticamente y esa información influye continuamente sobre nuestro cuerpo a través de los recuerdos en nuestro subconsciente.

Este es el ámbito que, desde la antigüedad, llamamos «alma». La información registrada continuamente en ese ámbito se convierte en algo «in-formado» (dotado de forma) y nos afecta concretamente a nivel material o físico.

Si lastimamos a alguien, esa información, a través del subconsciente, la recibimos finalmente nosotros mismos; si brindamos amor y respeto a los demás, eso será lo que recibiremos a través de nuestros recuerdos. Las acciones realizadas con total entrega por el bien de los demás y de todos los seres vivos, de la Tierra y del espacio, vuelven a nosotros con el tiempo. Todo está conectado; todas nuestras acciones son por nuestro bien.

Cuando cada uno de nosotros tome conciencia de esto, el mundo cambiará inevitablemente. Avanzaremos hacia el renacimiento de la Tierra y viviremos en un mundo en el que podremos sentirnos colmados y felices desde el fondo de nuestros corazones.


一人でも多くの人が一度は見ておくべき映画で す。この内容をわかる人は、きっと増えてきている。そういう時代がやっと来たのだなあと感じます。「カルマとはエネルギーフィールドに蓄積された記憶、そ して恩寵の法則、等々…。そうです、その通りです!」。

生命エネルギー研究家・エッセイスト ほおじろ えいいち


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