恩送り ON okuri:Pay-it-forward

Someone has sent you a present.

When you give something back in return, you are “repaying the favor.”
But passing that blessing onward to someone else is “paying it forward.”
Rather than just repaying someone, pass along the favor to someone new, forming a chain of positivity in society.
The favor you did will go around and around, and before you know it, it’ll return to you.
When the chain of happiness continues, a world overflowing with joy comes to life.
Would you please consider “paying it forward”?










When someone does you a favor, rather than repaying that person directly, send those blessings onward to someone new. And that person will then do a favor for someone else. Through this, it’s said that goodness will cycle through our world.


Paying it forward is in the spirit of helping each other out, knowing we’re all in the same boat. In the Edo period, paying it forward was a common occurrence. The Japanese term for paying it forward even appeared in an Edo period play: The Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami​.

A long time ago, it was said that “Kindness is not merely for the sake of others.” This meant that kindness would go around and around, eventually coming back to you. That mentality of paying it forward is an important cornerstone of Japanese culture.


Due to the 2000 movie Pay it Forward, the concept of paying it forward came back into the spotlight.


米国スターバックスでの恩送り(Pay it Forward)も注目を集めています。

Would you please consider “paying it forward”?



The things we need most—water, air, and sunlight—are all blessings from the universe, with no strings attached. Abundant foodstuffs, mountains, fields, and oceans were also bestowed upon us at no cost.
In addition, you may be living each day receiving unexpected blessings from others, receiving kindness, help, lessons, nurturing, and more.


When you try to bring a tub of water towards you, the water runs away. But if you push it toward your partner, the water comes back to you.
All humans start off empty, with no assets, abilities, or anything else—we’re like an empty tub.
That tub is filled with water from both nature and other people.
The people who notice the value of this water will want to give it to others, and will try to push it onto them.
The more they try to push the water onto others, the more it comes back to themselves.
Happiness is the same. The more happiness you give to others, the more that comes back.
But, if you try to pull more and more joy towards you, it’ll all run away.


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※If you have any stories or information about paying it forward, please feel free to contact us.。→お問い合わせフォーム
