SOSEI II : Revival II -Love and Microoganisms-

SOSEI II : Revival II -Love and Microoganisms-


Microplastics, radiation, and the list goes on.
The final answer toward the ever-worsening global environment!
What does it mean to unite the Earth’s environment with people’s conscious minds?
We now know that the energy from one’s mind has an effect on the world’s smallest physical unit—the photon. This calls into question how each and every one of us should be, as creators of the coming age.



Since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster in March 2011, the media and government agencies act like silent observers as if the radiation problem has ended.
Unfortunately, contamination continues, and issues regarding the disposal of soil consisting of radioactive material are yet to be resolved.

There are people behind the scenes who are tackling these issues and achieving tangible results that may solve the problems at hand.
One attempt is volunteer work of spraying Effective Microorganisms (EM).
The Institute of Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, located in a country affected by the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster, proved that microorganisms eliminate radiation.

We live in a time when Earth’s ecosystem is losing its balance, and it is imperative that humanity revives this planet beyond our self-interest.
This film offers a solution that provides hope to countless people.
It also scientifically indicates the relationship between the environment and our conscious minds and sheds light on how Earth’s atmosphere is related to an individual’s consciousness and daily living habits.


Cast & Staff


Doctor of Agriculture, Professor Emeritus, University of the Ryukyus

Born in 1941 Okinawa Prefecture, Japan.
Graduated University of the Ryukyus and received Doctors Degree in Agriculure, Kyushu University. He taught in University of Ryukyus as an instructor from 1970, became an assistant professor in 1972, professor in 1982 and professor emeritus in 2007.
In April 2007, he became a professor of Meio University and director of the International EM Technology Center.
In 1982, he took part in the research and development of EM (Effective Microorganisms), applied it to use in a vast array of fields such as agriculture, livestock, environment, construction, industrial usage, health, and medical science, which has now spread to about 150 countries worldwide. The January 1997 edition of “Gendai Yōgo no Kiso Chishiki” (The Encyclopedia of Contemporary Words) listed “EM” as one of the newest buzzwords. Schools and numerous local governments are proactively utilizing EM.

Doctor of Engineering

Received a Ph.D. in engineering at the College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University, in 1985. Formerly a professor of the Department of Computer & Media Engineering at the Suwa University of Science, a professional engineer (construction environment), and Fellow Engineer of the Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan. His research fields are civil engineering (civil engineering environmental system), process engineering (biofunction, bioprocess), advanced engineering (recycling engineering), architecture (architectural environment and equipment), and boundary agriculture (environmental agriculture). He was a director of the Special Committee for Action Plans Against Global Warming of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers and director of the Ecomaterials Forum, the Society of Non-Traditional Technology.

Professor of Jeonju University

Professor of the Agriculture EM Environmental Research Center, Jeonju University. After majoring environmental engineering at the Department of Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, Chonbuk National University in 1992, he received a Ph.D. at the Course of Environmental Engineering, Hokkaido University. His vast research includes, “Composting Garbage Through EM Fermentation,” “Removing nitrogen and phosphorus using Struvite crystals added with tannin and substances fermented by EM,” and “Properties of using EM amplifiers for water purification.” He also has many patents related to effective microorganisms.

head of the Laboratory of Radioecology in the Institute of Radiobiology of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Dr. Alexander N. Nikitin has PhD in Agriculture (2004) from Forest Institute of NAS of Belarus. He is an expert in area of biological productivity and biogeochemical cycles in forest ecosystems, especially in the Polessye region. He investigates behavior of man-made radioisotopes in ecosystems and their transfer from soil into plants. He is the author/co-author of more than 150 scientific papers.

Deputy Director for Science of the Institute of Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Dr. Natallia I. Tsimokhina has PhD in Radiobiology (2003) from Institute of Radiobiology of NAS of Belarus. She investigated ionizing radiation exposure on the state of populations of cell immune effectors in lung. She is working on the problems of increasing the nonspecific resistance of organism to the action of anthropogenic factors as well as behavior of radioisotopes in the environment. She is the author/co-author of more than 50 scientific publications and patents.


Born in 1968 Tokyo, Japan.
Japanese actor, personality, and keyboard player. A former member of the group Otokogumi. He currently performs in the theatrical group “Team 54 Produce,” that he launched. He has also starred in many movies.

Born in 1967 Chiba, Japan.
Japanese actor and musician. He recently regrouped with his former band after a 30-year hiatus. He often does live shows, and in 2016, he released his album “Reborn.”

Born in 1971 Osaka, Japan.
Japanese actor. Aside from many performances in small theaters in the Osaka area, he also produces theatrical performances. Currently based in Tokyo, he frequently performs in theaters and fans love him for his unique existence and personality.


Cast Teruo Higa
Matsunori Nara
Young Kyu Kim
Alexander N. Nikitin
Natallia I. TsimokhinaKazuaki Shibata  Kaoru Haneda  Satoru Imaizumi
Kaneyoshi Yonekura Minoru Endo  Shoji Takizawa
Hidetoshi Suzuki  Chizuko Nomoto  Akira Koizumi
Miyako Ohata  Yoshio Hasegawa Nobuko Kichiya
Cheol Park  Gyeong Hee Ko  Myeong Su Kim
Seung Man Moon  Yang Sun Lim  Gyeong Tae Kim
Young Sik Yoon  Yong Wook Choi  Young Hyung Kim
Narration Tetsu Shiratori
Drama Cast Koyo Maeda
Shoichi Asano
Shigeyuki Nakamura
Executive Producer Tetsu Shiratori
Producer Ken Narita
Cinematographer Reiji Okubo
Tetsu Shiratori
Editor Takamichi Mori
CG Artist Kazuhiro Tanaka
Color Coordinator Naohiko Saito (YOKOCINE D.I.A)
Music Hitomi Kuroishi
Documentary Part
Assistant Cinematographer 葉山昌堤
Production Assistant 三浦知子
Record 中島陽司
Korean Coordinator キム・チャンヨン
Korean Shooting Coordinator イム・ジュソク イム・ジョンウォン コ・ナムシク
ジョン・サンドゥ ファン・スンス ヤン・スンビン
イムシル畜協繊維質飼料工場 エバーミラクル社
グレ郡農業センター チョンジュ大学
Japanese Shooting Coordinator
石澤良枝 植木紀代 大野春江 高橋松美 藤田尚志
藤本葉子 松友宣子 宗保秋雄 安川 ひろ子 石田紀克
奥山哲也 葛山真司 小杉泰三 竹内睦治 安部友規
熊谷彰人 久留宮小春 小鹿友聖 里中正直 玉代勢孝斗
中村陸 廣田那由也 光野弥貴 山田和弥 Jun Amanto
Location Support EM柴田農園 EMの微笑み 株式会社サンシャインファーム
小泉農園 障害者自立訓練・就労支援センター アルムの里
鈴木有機農園 瀧澤牧場
認定特定非営利活動法人 地球環境共生ネットワーク
Drama Part
Gaffer 近守里夫
Sound Recordist 久保琢也
Assistant Cinematographer 佐藤心 工藤鈴花
Art Director 本間千賀子 原田千晴
Stylist 高橋英治
Hair&Makeup Artist 小林佳苗(宝映テレビプロダクション)
Still Photographer 松尾成美
Best Boy 後藤昴生
Assistant Director 杉山正直 大澤わかな
Record 井上靖子
Driver 林田健
Transportation 曽根徳敬 (高橋ロケサービス)
Assistant Driver 保科亮
Assistant Producer 武藤充穂
Production Assistant 網井和恵 本石瑠
Art Support 有限会社エコドラム メジャーワークス株式会社 株式会社関東企画
Electric Support ハイクロス シネマトグラフィ
Location Support 昭島市民交流センター
昭島ロケーションサービス あきる野市自然休養村養沢センター
西和ロケーションサービス 八王子倉庫スタジオ
日の出町観光協会 養沢毛鉤専用釣り場
Casting Support ヘリンボーン Team54 イーエムジャパン
Drama Cast 光岡湧太郎
石丸弘   川崎ちひろ 加瀬充子  吉岡徹
浅野早弓吏 天沼理恵  荒木裕子  阿部功
飯田博子  伊藤よし子 上家隆行  魚谷美恵子
漆山てるみ 岡田勉   大野美恵子 金子八重子
川上佳瑞代 黒坂正美  小角佳子  添谷まり晄
田戸沙織  照井加奈子 得能豊子  豊場ゆみ子
中川奈美  信國祐介  花島郁代  馬場幸子
宮原浩   村山佳子  村山美恵子 山川智通
山根宏行  吉田賢治
Theme Song「風になりたい」 (作曲 白鳥哲 作詞 化野道子 / 歌 星野ゆか パーカッション花)
Sound Producer 伊藤圭一
Sound Production Coordinator 青柳美晶
Sound Production ケイ・アイ・エム
Music Studio Kim Studio Sound City
Designer for Advertising 中村 嘉宏(Commect Arts)
Translator 今村真由子 日本映像翻訳アカデミー
Script Supervisor 塙寿美代
Desk 山口久美 大川結 冨永江美
Supporter 白鳥式ヒーリング講座・TAKA貴幼児教室受講生一同
Cooperator 株式会社EM研究機構 株式会社EM生活
Reference Book 『地球蘇生プロジェクト「愛と微生物」のすべて』
Film “SoseiⅡ (Revival)”
Fund Supporters
EM♡ちいさな森 黒田達男 村口享子
有限会社IHMドルフィン 有限会社白鳥建設
EM大阪株式会社 山田充代 浅井博 伊藤幸子
加藤治郎 木村悦子 兼原浩美 くりはらさとこ
黒木久喜 広本正都子 芝洋征 白川利子
杉山雅彦 鶴田佐和子 野宮政子 野村亜樹
水谷雅志 山下修 吉澤文五郎 岩瀬尉司・明美
上野山清美・浩子 槇本寛・智景・賢司・祟志
三浦邦昭・美恵 あっちゃん&みぃーちゃん
チャコキッチン 恩送りフェスタ大阪実行委員会
霞ケ浦をきれいにする会 秀苑会一同
地酒・自然食品・カフェ なかざわ にんげんクラブ愛知
三河湾浄化市民塾 EMショップ コモンズ
MARUKA Foundation☆喜多村シャーンティ・敦子
WHAT A PARADISE あかね台眼科脳神経外科クリニック
やつづか歯科医院 NPO法人EMあいち
NPO法人EMネット神奈川 NPO法人えひめユニバーサルビレッジ研究会
NPO緑の会 一般社団法人プレーマアーユルヴェーダ協会
ソフトコミュニケーションズ(株) 株式会社天野新聞店
株式会社イーエムジャパン 株式会社大槻ホリスティック
株式会社オール シネマポイント 株式会社ケイアンドケイ
Supported by 株式会社EM研究機構
Director Tetsu Shiratori

Director message

Asking nothing in return… Realizing what love means…

It has been eight years since the Great East Japan Earthquake.
People are starting to forget the lessons they learned during and after that incident.
It is as if the radiation effects caused by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster have been solved once and for all.

Amid this situation, some people are wholeheartedly facing the realities of radiation,
turning them into opportunities, and producing great results.

It is the volunteer work of spraying Effective Microorganisms in 55 locations,
mainly in Fukushima Prefecture.

As we introduced in the film “Revival,”
numerous technologies in the world reduces and eliminates radiation.
One of them is the volunteer work of spraying Effective Microorganisms,
which has continued to yield results for more than eight years.

This achievement gives hope to the future of humanity.

We want to spread the message to as many people as we can
in hopes that they will remember and recover their love for Mother Earth.
That is why we began making this film.

We are experiencing heat waves, cold waves, droughts, floods, mega-typhoons, and storms.
Earth’s environment is going from bad to worse.

Now is the time to remember
what it means to love and respect all forms of life that exist on Earth.

Nobody can live on their own.
The food and drinks we consume every day, every single breath we take,
all require the presence of microorganisms, plants, and many living things.
They are the reason we are alive.

We now know that our conscious minds can even have an impact
on the fermentation of tiny microorganisms.

One’s belief and love without seeking return will influence all living things.
That, in return, will lead to the revival of Mother Earth.

When we realize how our daily lives and the Earth’s environment are closely related,
our lives will finally change, and Earth will head in the right direction at once.

As humans, it is our responsibility to protect and nurture Mother Earth.

It is my sincere wish that this film encourages many people
to discover their duty toward all forms of life that exist on this planet.

The time has come for us to open our eyes to provide love and ask nothing in return.


I am learning about environmental changes at a community school in England. ・・・
私がこの映画が環境について勉強したいと思うきっかけになった大切な映画だと伝えました。この映画を見て、目を瞑りたくなる環境問題にも私たちができることがある、やっている人がいると気付かされたと。みんな共感してくれたようでした。(15/12/2020 England)


Join the Earth Revival Project We need funds
